2013年12月31日 星期二


新一年祝大家  新年快樂,做左個木糠蛋糕送比大家,學人用白朱古力做左朵玫瑰花做裝飾  hehehe~ ~  遠遠地睇都唔係好好大問題 哈~ ~ 近睇就麻麻地囉 呵~ ~  

1 則留言:

  1. Don't forget the importance of a balanced diet for healthy hair. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish, can promote hair growth and strength from the inside out. Remember, healthy hair starts with a healthy lifestyle. https://hairbarnyc.com/



寧心、潤肺、補脾腎、安神助眠  材料: 蓮子1兩,百合1兩,淮山4片,杏仁10克,西施骨半條 做法: 西施骨用薑片、蔥結、料酒出水 全部材料放入鍋內大火煲20分鐘,再轉中小火煲1個半小時即可用鹽調味