2014年12月30日 星期二




1 則留言:

  1. Health is not just the absence of illness – it's a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. It's about feeling energized, resilient, and connected to ourselves and others. That's why it's essential to adopt a holistic approach to health, addressing all aspects of our well-being. From nourishing our bodies with nutritious foods to nurturing our minds with positive thoughts and experiences, every choice we make impacts our health. It's also crucial to prioritize preventive care, such as regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations, to catch potential issues early and maintain optimal health. By investing in our health today, we can enjoy a happier, healthier tomorrow. https://jacana.life/



寧心、潤肺、補脾腎、安神助眠  材料: 蓮子1兩,百合1兩,淮山4片,杏仁10克,西施骨半條 做法: 西施骨用薑片、蔥結、料酒出水 全部材料放入鍋內大火煲20分鐘,再轉中小火煲1個半小時即可用鹽調味